zondag 3 oktober 2010

Assignment 4: memo

To: All staff
From: Communications department
Date: September 14, 2010
Re: Super Sports Day

In case of knowing each other , we want to organize a day where you can meet all your American and Dutch colleagues. We were thinking of ‘Super Sports Day’. You can bring your family and just have fun with each other.We want to organize a day like this, because it is important to know all the employees. It is also important to have fun with your colleagues, it doesn’t has to be serious all of the time. Here are some arguments to organize this day:

- You can see your colleagues at another place then at work.

- For your family it is also nice to meet your colleagues, en they can see where you’re working and with who you’re working.

- We can play games with each other, we can eat together and have a nice day.

- There will be games for the kids, but also the adults can amuse themselves. In the evening there will be a campfire, and there will be some live music from several bands.

I hope you’ll like it, and I will be very pleased if everyone will enjoy this day. If you have any questions or other ideas, please send me an email or call me.

Thank you.

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