zondag 3 oktober 2010

Assignment 10: business meeting

- I am proud of our magazine. I sent out a questionnaire after the first two issues this year and the replies were very positive. 65% of the readers read most of the articles, that's a lot! And only 500 of the 3000 employess sent the questionnaire back. I think our employees are very satisfied with our magazine.

- I want to improve internal communication. But there has to be more practical information. The also has to be a 'newsflash'. The newsflash had to be published once a month or once every two weeks. The newsflash is for up-to-the-minute news and new appointments, orders and products. That is very usefull for our employees.

- I am not really happy with creating an intranet. I don't have any axperience in writing for websites. I just want to write atricles and take photo's.

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