maandag 11 oktober 2010

Assignment 15: text obesity campaign

1. Subway cares about childhood obesity because they can use it for their advance.
2. The communication techniques they use are flyers, talking, tv-spots and tv shows. They also hired a advertising agency.
3. Kids' meal: to create a healthier lifestyle
Tv-spot: to give details of how you can change your lifestyle.
Tv show: it's a news package.
4. If they hadn't create this campaign, maybe they won't be well known as a healthy sandwich store.

maandag 4 oktober 2010


Last summer I've been to Lowlands. That is a festival in Holland.
It was so much fun! The weather was so good, we had so much sunshine and it was hot!
We saw many good bands, I love all the music that was played there.
We were sleeping in tents, our tent was orange. On this photo you see my boyfriend in front of our tent.

We enjoyed the weather and the music. The music was played in tents like this:

There were so many bands I wanted to see. One of them was 'Mumford and Sons'. They were amazing, their concert was so beautiful. I wanted them to play for hours, but they just played 1 hour.

I also wanted to see Laura Marling. She is a singer-songwriter from England. I'm listening to her music for more than 3 years and I really wanted to hear her live. It was great, she played the most beautiful songs. Some other bands I've seen were Selah Sue, Noisia, Local Natives, Bloody Beetroots, Daily bread, Moss, The National, Two door cinema club, Blaudzun and more.
We spent our days just chilling in the grass, enjoyed very good music and had great food.
I love festivals, especially when the weather is so good! I've had a good time there, I wanted to go back now! We had so much fun!

On this photo we were just sitting in front of our tents, thinking about what we were going to do this night. We were all happy and laughing. On monday, the day of going back home, we woke up and it was raining. We had to pack our bags, and take our wet tent. It was very busy at the trainstation, but inside the train it was warm and dry. Time for a hot shower and some sleep!

zondag 3 oktober 2010

Assignment 10: business meeting

- I am proud of our magazine. I sent out a questionnaire after the first two issues this year and the replies were very positive. 65% of the readers read most of the articles, that's a lot! And only 500 of the 3000 employess sent the questionnaire back. I think our employees are very satisfied with our magazine.

- I want to improve internal communication. But there has to be more practical information. The also has to be a 'newsflash'. The newsflash had to be published once a month or once every two weeks. The newsflash is for up-to-the-minute news and new appointments, orders and products. That is very usefull for our employees.

- I am not really happy with creating an intranet. I don't have any axperience in writing for websites. I just want to write atricles and take photo's.

Assignment 8: listening

What is remarkable about the comments and the bloggers of the Federal Reserve bank?
Remarkable about the comments is that you can choose if you blog or comment anonymous.

The Federal Reserve Bank opened a blog to create 'buzz'. What is meant by this, in other words, what was the purpose of opening a blog?
The purpose of opening a blog was that they wanted people to go to internet, they want to create traffic.

What was the female recruiting manager's blog mainly about?
Her blog was about being a fulltime manager and a fulltime mom.

What was the purpose of her blog?
The purpose of het blog was to build trust.

Which words show that the FED does exercise a form of conrol on the blogs?
The words regulate and moderate.

By wat kind of people were the very first FED blogs written?
The first blogs were written bby the senoir management.

Have the blogs changed the way that people who work for FED think about internal communications?
Yes, the blogs changed the way the people think.

What is the latest development in the company as far as media are concerned?
The last development is the video site and the flat screen tv's in the elevator banks.

Catherine Cummings says that this medium to communicate with staff is better than an older medium. Which more old-fashioned way of communicating with staff does she mention?

Assignment 7: letter of enquiry

Marije Rademaker
Jonker Sloetlaan 116
6721 VS Bennekom
Tel: 06-52527842

21 September, 2010

City College Manchester
5 Crescent Road
Manchester M85UF

Dear Sir or Madam,

With reference to your your advertisement on your website about an English as a foreign language, I am sending you an email.
I am Marije Rademaker from the Netherlands. I'm a corporate communications student at the Faculty of Communication and Journalism of the Professional University of Utrecht. I think my level of english isn't that good, so I want to improve my english. Your course is maybe a good course for that. I would like to ask you something about this course.
I want to know if this course is in summer? How long does this course takes, two weeks? What is the level of this course? I also want to know when the exam is. I'm very interested in this course, and it would be grateful if you could answer my questions.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Marije Rademaker

Assignment 4: memo

To: All staff
From: Communications department
Date: September 14, 2010
Re: Super Sports Day

In case of knowing each other , we want to organize a day where you can meet all your American and Dutch colleagues. We were thinking of ‘Super Sports Day’. You can bring your family and just have fun with each other.We want to organize a day like this, because it is important to know all the employees. It is also important to have fun with your colleagues, it doesn’t has to be serious all of the time. Here are some arguments to organize this day:

- You can see your colleagues at another place then at work.

- For your family it is also nice to meet your colleagues, en they can see where you’re working and with who you’re working.

- We can play games with each other, we can eat together and have a nice day.

- There will be games for the kids, but also the adults can amuse themselves. In the evening there will be a campfire, and there will be some live music from several bands.

I hope you’ll like it, and I will be very pleased if everyone will enjoy this day. If you have any questions or other ideas, please send me an email or call me.

Thank you.

Assignment 2: email

Subject: A dress code

Dear staff members,

Last month there have been some complaints from clients about how we are dressed. It is said that our employees are dressed too casual. I think we should take our clients serious, so we have to do something about this problem. A dress code for all of the employees sounds like a solution. Then we all look the same, it looks neatly and our clients will be satisfied with our look. Whey will be pleased. I want to ask you to send in some ideas about a nice dress code. I want it to be neatly, like shirts with collars and sleeves, tailored shorts and long trousers. Something that everybody can wear. I would like to decide about the dress code in two weeks from now. I’m looking forward to all of the nice ideas I hope to receive. Let’s make our clients be satisfied again!

Kind regards,

Marije Rademaker