dinsdag 14 september 2010

A nice sunday

Last sunday I celebrated my birthday party. Officially my birthday was on July the 30th, but everyone was on vacation so I celebrated it with my dad's family last sunday.
In the morning I baked two lovely cakes: an apple pie and a monchou cake.

My cousins were there. They were eating cake together and it looked so cute.

At the end, my brother was bored. He found some clothes-pins, and put them on his face.
My cousins were laughing out loud and they also wanted to try it.
My uncle dind't allow that, so they put the clothespins on their cuddly toys.
My brother looked like this.

I really enjoyed my sunday, and my very late birthday party.
I didn't do anything the rest of the weekend. Just sleep, relax and read a bit.
Also played with my boyfriend's kitten. She is so sweet and cuddly.
My boyfriend always has to check my bag when I am leaving to make sure I won't take her home.

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