maandag 27 september 2010

Assignment 11: reply to a request

Dear Sir, Madam,

Thank you for your letter. I'm sorry but I'm not able to send you a brochure and a pricelist. I can't send it to you because I haven't got the new brochures and pricelists yet.
I was wondering if you can tell me the other four languages. Then I can give you the prices of them.
I also checked your website. It looks alright, but also a bit outdated. The website needs som new texts and and it has to be renewed. We also offer a few website services. The services we offer are:
- Renewing your website (600 euro)
- Keeping your website up to date (200 euro)
- Give your website a complete facelift (1100 euro)
I hope you will take one of our website services.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Marije Rademaker
0318-414397 / 06-52527842

maandag 20 september 2010


Last summer I went to Antwerp with my boyfriend Nikos. We stayed there for three and a half day. We wanted to go away from home for a few days and we decided to go to Antwerp.
We went there by train. We arrived at the central sta
tion, which was very impressive. It's so old and really beautiful.
It looks like this.

We stayed in a hotel in the main street 'Le Meir'. We had a nice room there.
At the first day we just walked around and had a drink at a nice terrace. The weather was very nice with a lot of sunshine.
We did also see the 'Onze-liev

The second day we went to the photomusuem (FoMu). The museum was very cool and it costs only one euro for students.
Because of the nice weather, we sat on a lot of terraces.
We were in love with the 'mocca more', they had lovely coffee and nice bagels.

We also did some shopping. I bought a nice blazer at the Episode, and my boyfriend also bought lots of things. The stores are in very lovely old buildings. I love the architecture in Antwerp, there are so many beautiful places there.
We had dinner every evening. We had a lot of good food, there were so many nice restaurants.
At our last day we went to the 'Antwerpen Zoo'. It was a lot of fun. There were lots of different animals. We saw lots of penguins, elephants, monkeys and birds. We did also see a chicken coming out of her egg, it looked so cute. She was in a special hot glass house.

I was in love with the okapi's. They are very beautiful.

I really like Antwerp and I definitely want to go back there. It's a very beautiful city and I really like to go shopping there. I also like all the vintage stores in there, I really like second hand clothing, shoes, bags and more. I love Antwerp!

dinsdag 14 september 2010

A nice sunday

Last sunday I celebrated my birthday party. Officially my birthday was on July the 30th, but everyone was on vacation so I celebrated it with my dad's family last sunday.
In the morning I baked two lovely cakes: an apple pie and a monchou cake.

My cousins were there. They were eating cake together and it looked so cute.

At the end, my brother was bored. He found some clothes-pins, and put them on his face.
My cousins were laughing out loud and they also wanted to try it.
My uncle dind't allow that, so they put the clothespins on their cuddly toys.
My brother looked like this.

I really enjoyed my sunday, and my very late birthday party.
I didn't do anything the rest of the weekend. Just sleep, relax and read a bit.
Also played with my boyfriend's kitten. She is so sweet and cuddly.
My boyfriend always has to check my bag when I am leaving to make sure I won't take her home.

dinsdag 7 september 2010

9th of September

Today I started this new blog. The reason for making this blog is to improve my english.
Let me first introduce myself.

My name is Marije Rademaker and I'm 18 years old. I live in Bennekom, but I study in Utrecht.
One of my big loves is my camera,
a Canon 1000D. I think I'm going to write a lot about photography on this blog. Another big passion for me is music, so probably this blog will also be about that. I just want to write about things I like, and things I'm thinking about.
Here are some photographs I made.

This is in a famous bookstore in Paris, Shakespeare and company. This photo is analog.

This one is also in Paris and analog.

This photo is made in Antwerpen.

This is my lovely boyfriend Nikos.

On this photo you see my best friend, my brother, my boyfriend and me.
It was at my graduation last summer. This one is not made by me, but by my history teacher.

I hope my blog is nice to read for you, and i hope you will like my stories.