maandag 28 februari 2011

Living at home while at uni

I am still living at home in Bennekom with my mother and younger brother. I travel to school. When I have to be at school at half past 8 I have to wake up at a quarter past 6. Very early. Then I'll take the train at half past 7. It isn't very comfortable and handy.
But living at home also has advantages. When I come home I can get a drink and just relax. No shopping, washing machines, washing up and cleaning for me. Of course I also do something at home like vacuuming, let out the dog and clean my room.

Luckily I only have to go to school for 3 days now. And only 1 time at half past 8, happy me. But the traveling isn't very relaxed. It's always busy and it takes a lot of time. I prefer to sleep a little longer. My bed is very important for me. The way back is the most annoying and boring. I just want to be home after school and do things I like. But now I have to go to the train, and after that cycle home. It takes almost 1,5 hours.

I would like to live in Utrecht. But finding a nice room is very hard. I have friends who already live there so I can sleep in their rooms. For example when I want to go to a party, Im not able to go home anymore. Then I can sleep at their places and stay in Utrecht. But I'm looking for my own room and I'm looking forward to have one although it's also nice to live at home with my mum. But studying in Utrecht is more fun when you also live there.

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